
All posts for the month August, 2013

Additional Schloss Witti Language Camp Post

Published August 21, 2013 by princessryannexx

Okay , so while we’re waiting on Dylan so we can start our activity.. I’m gonna write this for all of you 🙂 Okay so last night I did some salsa dancing.. for hours! It was super fun but now i have the BIGGEST most disgusting blister ever. YIKES! What made it worse, was that today we trekked down into the town (to get down from The Schloss it takes 15 minutes, and back up from town about 30). At least I was able to buy my padded blister band-aids hahaha. Anywayyys, I have to go now because we’re starting the activity, I will write a follow up post for language camp when it’s over. 10 days left :))))


Der Anfung of Deutschland

Published August 13, 2013 by princessryannexx

Okay so these passed 5 days have been CRAZY. We had PDO (Pre-Departure Orientation) for 3 days in Washington D.C. and then Saturday we left for Germany 😀 it was pretty awesome because my bag was overweight but the woman working for United really didnt give a shit. YAY FOR AMERICA. Anyways, so our rooms here in the Schloss Witti ( Wittgenstein) are SO nice 🙂 And Bad Laasphe is like the cutest town ever. (OHMYGOD.. KATY JUST YELLED THAT HER AND I LOVE SVEN OUT OF OUR WINDOW) By the way, hes a teamer here at language camp… so yeah. & apparently everyone heard us..because theyre all messaging me…..AWKO TACO. Anyways, our days have been PACKED full of stuff. 7:30 am until 10 pm. This shit is crazy. OH & it takes 20 minutes to get into town because we have to walk down a HUGE mountain and it takes 30 minutes to walk up. So yeah, expect a skinnier version of me when i return 😀 … The food is great. The people are great. and the weather IS COLD. 

until next time, 

tschuess 🙂 

The Last Days

Published August 2, 2013 by princessryannexx

“Wherever you are, it is your Friends that make your World.”

Hey everyone, i’ve been super super busy lately, but how can you blame me? 😀 I’ll be gone in 5 days. Ever since Saturday (The day of my going away party) I have been hanging out with friends from early in the morning until late at night.. and this whole leaving that hasn’t really hit me until these last few days ive been spending with them. I mean, before i was just so excited to leave & didn’t really think about missing anyone or anything, But now that all of my friends are talking about homecoming & Junior prom , its all becoming so much more real & it is really sinking in. I will NEVER get this year back, this year my friends will change, but I will change so much more. I will come back a new person and their expectations of me will not be what they will get. I’ll never be able to know how things might have gone or what things I might have done if i’d stayed, I’ll miss out on SO much in my American life here at home. Bu at the same time, ill be making memories that ill never forget, and experiencing things that no one here at home ever will. Im super scared that the bonds with my American friends are going to change drastically (considering i changed schools last November and am just starting to really bond with everyone).. and maybe that’s okay. These are the times I will never get back. Things that may have mattered to me before may not matter in my future after this experience, they may just seem like little aspects or things that should be overlooked. As to where right now, they seem to be everything. People change, Feelings will change, but New experiences, challenges, and relationships will be made. I need to live in “the now” stop living for the past and stop living for the future, it is time that I spread my wings and venture off from what I’ve known for the past 15 years..This Is My Time To Live.

Until D.C.,


“One thing will always stay the same, we are friends for life. When we’re together the years fall away, isn’t that what matters? To have someone who can remember with you? To have someone who remembers how far you’ve come..”