
All posts for the month February, 2013

Interview Timeee!

Published February 24, 2013 by princessryannexx

OKAY, so yesterday I had my interview for CBYX.. it was truly one of the best days of my life. Everyone was so cheerful and inviting, I am honored to have been able to meet such amazing people. So, when I first entered I already knew 3 people! (Due to the Facebook group) It was so great. Interview day can be very nerve wracking to people, and to have already known some people was very comforting. The day started off with group activities , although some people had to leave for their individual interview. The first group activity was introducing our selves, then we had to try and remember everyone’s names YIKES. Next we played a game where we all got in a circle and one person was in the middle. The person in the middle said ” I like my neighbor because..” then who ever that applied to had to get up and try to get a seat before they were all gone, and if they didn’t they were in the middle. Next, we were supposed to say what animal we wanted to be and why… BUT I had to leave the room for my indiv. interview at 9:30 🙂 . I was interviewed by 2 people, a man and a woman. It was a very relaxed interview ( surprisingly 😀 ) they would ask me questions, I would think about my answer and then give them my answer. As I was talking they were writing down things and even after I was done speaking they continued to write. Which was a little awko taco, but it wasn’t so bad. The questions consisted of “what if” situations, giving advice to struggling exchanger emails, representation, why you want to be a part of the 2013-2014 exchange year, etc. I think my interview went really well! 🙂 Yipee! I made them laugh at times, and they even agreed with some of the things I said. OH, I almost forgot! The individual interviews are in 30 minute intervals. Then I went back into the group room and we continued on with activities. All of this lasted from 8:30 AM until 11:00 AM. Honestly, I would not have wanted to miss out on this for the world. I feel so bad for the applicants who did not have this experience. NOW, for all of you new semi-finalists who may be reading this ( someday in the future) the BIGGEST thing to remember is to BE YOURSELF. 🙂 They want to see who you are as a person, and if you are someone they wish to accept as a finalist. Stay calm, there is no need to be nervous, this should be a fun experience for you. Dress nicely, have a good attitude and you should do great 🙂  The memories will last a lifetime.



Round One

Published February 5, 2013 by princessryannexx

“Dear Ryanne,

As you know, the Congress-Bundestag Scholarship provides 50 scholarships for students from the Southeast United States. We had an unprecedented number of applications this year, which made the review extremely competitive. We were impressed with your application and after careful review, would like to offer you an interview. We are interested in learning more about you and your desire to live and study in Germany….”

That was the email that had my heart pumping , the email that we had all being waiting for, for months! I’M A SEMI-FINALIST! It is such an honor to have made it this far. My interview will be in a few weeks and I am SO nervous. I really hope that they will like me and choose me to be a finalist. A year abroad in Germany would be so wonderful 🙂 I would be able to grow as a person; become more independent and become more responsible. Also, I would make memories and friends that would last a life time. ( the cute boys is also a plus 😉 ) lol.  THE CLOTHES AND FOOD. Oh my lanta, I will need to work out daily! Aside from that, I am so super excited to meet all of the wonderful people from the CIEE group on Facebook. We are all so close already and I can’t wait to make memories with them! 🙂 Expect another post when I get more info on the interview 😉

